BrainMaster Authentic Brain Fitness Training is developed by High Performanze Academy that has a history of developing intelligence since early 90's.

High Performanze MultiTalent Center provided opportunity of observations on students of various types of classes inclusive of: Art & Crafts, Brain Training, Computer, Dance, Drama, Language, Martial Arts, Mental Maths, Music, Tuition, etc...

Throughout the years, observations and experiments were carried out on Slow Learners, Average Learners, Fast Learners, Straight A's High Achiever and other High Performers.

Many people know that learning music & playing sports can contribute to one's intelligence, but that doesn't mean every single part in the music lesson or sports does that contribution. BrainMaster training is the extractions of those essences for you, not only from music & sports but from a variety of skills.

High Performanze BrainMaster Authentic Brain Fitness training is indeed Skills Targeted.